Our main areas of practice are as follows:

Sale and Purchase of Houses   We enjoy helping clients with the sale and purchase of residential properties, preparing agreements for sale and purchase, searching titles, working through conditional contracts with our clients, assisting with Bank loans and mortgages and settlement.  

Refinancing - transferring your mortgage from one bank to another.

Transfers to a company  - for example, transferring a rental property from personal names to a company.

Guarantees - Independent legal advice.

Occupation Rights for Retirement Villages - An increasing number of clients are choosing to move to retirement villages. We can provide advice regarding the terms of the Occupation Agreement, such as any Deferred Management Fee, and assist with settlement.

Estate Administration - Application for probate or letters of administration, assisting the executor with administering the estate and distribution of assets.

Gifting, changing trustees, and winding up trusts

Subdivisions - smaller subdivisions such as two or three lot fee simple subdivisions, correcting cross lease titles, creating easements.

Enduring Powers of Attorney
